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Instrumental workshop directed by Oliver Webber

10 February 2024 @ 10:30 am 5:00 pm

The workshop will include dances by Lorenzo Allegri written for entertainments at the Florentine court (c. 1612); a 16-part canzona by Tiburtio Massaino; Jubilate Deo in 16 parts by Lambert de Sayve, and Giovanni Gabrieli’s  Canzona in echo a 12.

Open to the following instruments: Cornetts, sackbuts, curtals/dulcians, recorders, viol and violin family, plucked continuo.  Violin family players do not need to have a baroque instrument.

Pitch is A=440.

This workshop is now full.
No further bookings will be accepted.

Online booking form (preferred)

Further details and paper booking form (pdf)

Headcorn Village Hall

Church Lane
Headcorn, TN27 9NR
+ Google Map