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Southern Early Music Forum

The Southern Early Music Forum (SEMF) exists to encourage the singing and playing of early music in southern England. To support this aim, we organise regular tutored workshops and playing days for singers and/or players of appropriate instruments.

A diary of current and forthcoming activities is available from the events menu. Events are normally open to both members and non-members.

Contact information for SEMF’s committee members can be found on the Committee page.

SEMF is a registered charity (Registered Charity Number 1197797)


SEMF produces a regular newsletter to inform members of forthcoming activities and general events in the early music world, as well as reviews of recent SEMF events, books, concerts, and recordings.  The Editor welcomes contributions to the Newsletter from members.

The copy date for the next Newsletter is 26 November 2024.  The Newsletter usually appears within three weeks of that date.